The Masonic Trowel

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Whatever may be the trend of government, particularly in a country that has know Freedom in its true meaning, the trend follows the will of the people. A change from democratic principles and ideals reveals a change in the temperament of the people. A movement toward a socialistic government proves the weakness of the people who have become wholly indifferent to the Price of Freedom. Such a move indicates the loss of faith and courage in the value of the individual. Such a move shows the moral apathy of a people who have been willing to accept privileges without assuming responsibilities, and who have walked a Primrose Path totally oblivious of the price paid by our forefathers for Precious Liberty.

We trade with our eyes open when we exchange Freedom for Subsidies, whether as a group, or as an individual beneficiary of such a gift. In this way many are guilty of being five-percenters.

A free government is impossible apart from a people who are willing to pay the price for Liberty. Socialism, the perfect bridge to Communism and Fascism, removes all personal responsibility from the individual and gives back a set of instructions, a questionnaire, and other "official forms." The very air is heavy with 'agents' who direct your life from morning until night. Personality is without a market. Individual Enterprise is not the possession of a slave. Life becomes as patent as a joke told and retold.

Watch the trend of government. Do you see yourself in the masses who foolishly believe that government exists for the purpose of taking care of the people, or do you see yourself enjoying the carnival of "wild giving" by government of the money that cannot possibly originate with or be created by government?

Or, do you see yourself as one who is thinking clearly and calmly at a time when honest thinking may save our country from destruction?

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Last modified: March 22, 2014