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the district deputy's report on planning for progress

From The Grand Lodge of Maine


This reporting format entails at least three one-on-one discussions between the District Deputy and the Master of each Lodge.

The Purpose

The purpose of these discussions are to help him plan and chart his progress. 




With whom:      The Senior Warden

When:              At least 60 days before his installation


(1)               To help him define his goals and, together, to complete with him Part I of this report.

(2)               To help him identify him what assistance he may need from Grand Lodge to attain his goals and, together with him to complete Part II of this report

Report Due:      Both reports are due in the Grand Secretary’s office not later than 30 days prior to the new Master’s installation.

Use:                 The Grand Master will have a copy of this report and will, on occasion, discuss with the new Master his goals.  The second report will be used to alert Grand Lodge Committee Chairman to contact the new Master to arrange for the assistance he needs.




With whom:      The Lodge

When:              Your official visitation

Report Due:      Not later than 14 days after your official visitation.

Use:                 This report contains information needed by the Grand Secretary and the Grand Lodge Committee on the condition of the Fraternity.  The report on the work presented is also used by the Grand Lecturers and the District Ritual Instructors.




With whom:      The Presiding Master

When:              Not later than 30 days prior to the end of the Worshipful Master’s term of office.

Due Date:         Not later than his successor’s installation.

Use:     The incoming master will have a frank assessment of the condition of his Lodge.  The new District Deputy, if there is one, will also benefit from such an assessment.

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Part I: Goals

Note:  Refer to Appendix A below for Suggested Goals.

The Master and Wardens of ________________________________Lodge # ____________ and other members of the Lodge have reviewed the overall condition of their Lodge and have set the following goals.  The District Deputy and District Representative have worked with them to assist in formulating short range (1-2 years) and long-range (3-15 years ) plans.


Short range goals

Long range goals

Masonic Education

Short range goals

Long range goals

Fellowship Activities & Membership Involvement

Short range goals

Long range goals

Care and Share

            Short range goals

            Long range goals

Maintenance of the Lodge Hall

            Short range goals

            Long range goals

Community Outreach

            Short range goals

            Long range goals

Other Goals & Objectives based on your assessment of lodge needs.

Short range goals

Long range goals

We reviewed the above goals together on ________________________, 20XX

By: _______________________________  and  ___________________________________
        Worshipful Master                                                              District Deputy

APPENDIX A to Part 1

This list is not all encompassing nor is it intended that every item should be a goal for your lodge.  If you are satisfied with your lodge's performance in a given area, do not list it as a goal.  The descriptions identifying minimal, satisfactory, and exemplary are provided for your guidance.  Only YOU can determine what is your standard for minimal, satisfactory or exemplary performance for your lodge.


Suggested Goals and Objectives:


1.         Aprons are clean and neat.

2.         Candidates uniforms are cleaned regularly.

3.         Master designates a prompter at each meeting.

4.         Master announces rehearsal schedules at each meeting.

5.         Master announces rehearsal schedules in each trestle Board.

6.         Master and Wardens attend Schools of Instruction regularly.

7.                  Master ensures that the schedule of the Schools of Instruction for his District is included in his Lodge Trestleboard.

8.                  Master ensures that all ritual required regalia is in place and all chairs are filled prior to opening his lodge.


1.                  The floor work shows plan and practice.

2.                  The line officers do all of the lectures and charges.

3.                  All officers attend the Schools of Instruction regularly.

4.                  A ritual instructor or mentor is appointed to guide and instruct the candidate all the way through his degree work.

5.                  The opening and long form closing prescribed for the degree is used on special communications where that degree is exemplified.

6.                  There is a process that ensures that the Masters and Wardens attend Schools of Instruction.


1.                  The lodge is known for good floor work.

2.                  The Lodge is known for accuracy of ritual.

3.                  The visual aids for the degrees are up to date and visible to all within the Lodge hall.

4.                  Spoken parts are given clearly with adequate volume and proper emphasis during the delivery.  (Ritual is not monotone, but given with enthusiasm)

5.                  Members participate in outside degree teams.

6.         Members serve as guest officers at sister lodges or assist them in their degree work.

Masonic Education

Suggested Goals and Objectives:


1.         The candidates are provided the name/s of people that can answer their questions about Masonry.


1.         There is a committee on education that is available for assisting the candidate through his degree journey by meeting with him prior to each degree to give the candidate an idea of what is to occur and the symbolic journey that the degree represents.

2.                  Candidate instruction includes the Pollard Plan booklets and also includes the Grand Lodge of Maine candidate videos.

3.                  An elder Brother or Mentor is appointed for each candidate.

4.                  The candidate instruction utilizes the Pollard Plan Instructors Manual.

5.                  The preparation room has visual aids to motivate and instruct the candidate as he prepares for his degree journey.

6.                  On selected Stated Meetings when there is no degree work scheduled, there will be a program on General Masonic Information.


1.                  The candidates are afforded the opportunity to be examined in open lodge by a Brother who doesn’t need the cipher to ask the questions.

2.                  A fourth night is held once a year at either the lodge or District level.

3.                  The Lodge has a historian who provides an annual report of the activities of the lodge to the Brethren.

Fellowship Activities & Membership Involvement

Suggested Goals and Objectives:


1.         The Lodge publishes a Trestle Board and mails it to the Membership.

2.         Refreshments are served after each meeting.

3.         Suppers are always scheduled with each Master Mason Degree.

4.         A pot of coffee is available after each rehearsal.

5.                  The Master appoints a greeter to ensure that nobody enters the lodge without being personally welcomed and made to feel an important part of the activities that evening.

6.                  Visitors are properly introduced and greeted by the Master immediately after the opening of the Lodge.


1.         A Past Master’s night is scheduled annually.

2          New Masons are immediately involved with lodge activities.

3.         Lodge Officer Installations are well advertised and families are included.

4.         Members frequently gather in groups and visit other Lodges.

5.                  There is an active traveling gavel program in the District.  The lodge has a practice of gathering and visiting another lodge in order to earn the traveling gavel.

6.                  The Master includes a personal message in the trestle Board.

7.                  There is a fellowship committee that reports to the membership frequently.


1.         Community outreach activities are in place.

2.         A Sports outing.

3.         A Family picnic.

4.         A family brunch.

5.         An outing with the wives.

6.         A bus trip to a distant lodge.

7.         A social activity with another fraternal organization.

Care and Share Program

Suggested Goals and Objectives: 


1.                  Cards are sent to the ill and shut-ins.

2.                  The Master appoints a committee.

3.                  The lodge maintains a current list of all widows and schedules programs for the widows and other ladies.


1.         The Care and Share Committee reports at each stated meeting.

2.                  The committee maintains a current list of all elder Masons.

3.                  Widows are visited by a lodge member at least once per year.

4.         The committee ensures that elderly brothers have transportation to Lodge Meetings.

5.         The committee schedules regular visits to hospitalized and shut in brothers.


1.         The committee develops projects to assist widows.

2.         The committee develops projects to assist elder Masons.

3.         The committee assures that widows are invited to Lodge Installations.

4.         There is a community outreach program.

The Lodge Building

Suggested Goals and Objectives: 


1.         The Lodge is clean.

2.                  All equipment is stored out of sight.

3.                  The lodge does not have a musty odor.

4.                  The preparation room is picked up and is attractive.

5.                  The Master appoints a building chairman and committee.

6.                  The lodge has the basic equipment to feed the lodge a supper.

7.                  There is suitable space for storage of lodge records and educational materials.


1.         The interior is freshly painted.

2.                  The carpeting/linoleum is clean and not worn.

3.                  The lighting fixtures provide adequate light and are properly controllable to emphasize appropriate portions of the ritual work.

4.                  The building chairman gives periodic reports to the membership.

5.                  There is a defined lodge library for Masonic literary materials.

6.                  The furniture upholstery meets a “living room” standard.


1.         The parking area is paved.

2.         The Lodge grounds are landscaped and kept mowed during the summer recess.

3.         The exterior of the lodge is well maintained.

4.         There is a display area for lodge artifacts and items of Masonic interest.

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The Master of _______________________________ Lodge #____________ has requested support and/or assistance from Grand Lodge in meeting the following goals identified in Planning for Progress, Part I –GOALS.

RITUAL:  _________________________________________________________________________




MASONIC EDUCATION: ____________________________________________________________








CARE AND SHARE: ________________________________________________________________ 




COMMUNITY OUTREACH: _________________________________________________________




OTHER: ___________________________________________________________________________




The Master and District Deputy reviewed these needs together this date.

Dated: __________________



Signed:             ______________________________            _________________________________
                        Worshipful Master                                            District Deputy Grand Master

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Part III – The District Deputy’s Official Visitation

I made my official visitation to ________________________________________ Lodge No. ______ at _____________________ on ___________________, 200__.


The Charter and/or Certificate of Charter were present and scanned.        [___] yes [___] no

The books of the Secretary were present and scanned.                             [___] yes [___] no

The books of the Treasurer were present and scanned.                             [___] yes [___] no

All bills were approved by the Committee on Finance before being paid.   [___] yes [___] no

Accounts of the lodge are audited annually by the Finance Committee.      [___] yes [___] no

The annual reports of the Lodge are spread in full upon the records.          [___] yes [___] no

The Lodge has a current copy of the “List of Lodges, Masonic”                [___] yes [___] no
otherwise known as the Tyler’s Book dated ________________

There have been changes to the by-laws during the past year.                   [___] yes [___] no

The changes were approved by the Grand Lodge.                                    [___] yes [___] no

The Lodge has copies of the Constitution and Standing Regulations.      _______ copies

The Lodge has worked [___]EA   [___] FC   [___] MM candidates during the present Master’s term of office.

The District Deputy has observed __________degree presentations during the past year.  The work has been generally
Excellent    [___] Very Good     [___] Good       [___] Marginal

The elected Officers conferred the Degree for the Official Visit                  [___] yes [___] no
If no, what positions were substitutes?
WM [___]  SW[___]  JW [___]   SD [___]   JD[___]   SS[___]   JS[___]   MAR [___]   CHAP[___]   Lecture [___]   Charge[___].

The Lodge has invited the District Ritual Instructor to the Lodge ___ times during the term of the current Master.

The Lodge has a Plan for Progress and is actively involved in short            [___] yes [___] no
and long range goal setting, with a process to track these goals.

Ritualistic Work

Reception of the DDGM and Lodge Opening

1.  The DDGM is properly received into the Lodge and accorded appropriate honors?

Comments: ____________________________________________________________   [___] very good  ______________________________________________________________________  [___] good ______________________________________________________________________  [___] poor

2.   The formal opening of the Lodge is correctly done with minimal ritual errors?

Comments: ____________________________________________________________   [___] very good  ______________________________________________________________________  [___] good ______________________________________________________________________  [___] poor

3.  If work is in a degree other than the Master Mason, the Lodge is called from the higher degree to the lower degree and back up again at the end of the degree work in accordance with page 185 of the cipher?

Comments: ____________________________________________________________   [___] very good  ______________________________________________________________________  [___] good ______________________________________________________________________  [___] poor

4. The candidate was properly prepared and clothed for the degree and in a room that was neat and orderly?  Proper ritual was used during his presentation to the SD?

Comments: ____________________________________________________________   [___] very good  ______________________________________________________________________  [___] good ______________________________________________________________________  [___] poor

5. The Candidate was properly examined and received into the Lodge by the Senior Deacon?

Comments: ____________________________________________________________   [___]very good  ______________________________________________________________________  [___] good ______________________________________________________________________  [___] poor

6. The circumambulations and examinations by the JW, SW, and WM were done proficiently?

Comments: ____________________________________________________________   [___] very good  ______________________________________________________________________  [___] good ______________________________________________________________________  [___] poor

7. The candidate received proper instruction from the SW for advancement to the altar and proper positioning to receive his obligation?

Comments: ____________________________________________________________   [___] very good  ______________________________________________________________________  [___] good ______________________________________________________________________  [___] poor

8. The candidate is placed in proper position at the altar by the SD to receive his obligation?

Comments: ____________________________________________________________   [___] very good  ______________________________________________________________________  [___] good ______________________________________________________________________  [___] poor

9.  The obligation is given clearly, with feeling, and with minimal ritual errors?

Comments: ____________________________________________________________   [___] very good  ______________________________________________________________________  [___] good ______________________________________________________________________  [___] poor

10. The demonstration of the du guard and sign by the WM are done correctly?

Comments: ____________________________________________________________   [___] very good  ______________________________________________________________________  [___] good ______________________________________________________________________  [___] poor

11. The WM and SD give proper instruction in the grip and word and the candidate is properly instructed on entering or retiring from an opened Lodge?

Comments: ____________________________________________________________   [___] very good  ______________________________________________________________________  [___] good ______________________________________________________________________  [___] poor

12. The second section is conducted in a solemn and dignified manner with the appropriate demeanor?

Comments: ____________________________________________________________   [___] very good  ______________________________________________________________________  [___] good ______________________________________________________________________  [___] poo

13.  The lectures and charges are given by the officers/members of the Lodge being inspected?       

Comments: ____________________________________________________________   [___] very good  ______________________________________________________________________  [___] good ______________________________________________________________________  [___] poor

14. The lectures and instructions to the candidates are given clearly and with feeling?

Comments: ____________________________________________________________   [___] very good  ______________________________________________________________________  [___] good ______________________________________________________________________  [___] poor

15. Prayers by the Chaplain are given from memory and are delivered proficiently, clearly, and with feeling?

Comments: ____________________________________________________________   [___] very good  ______________________________________________________________________  [___] good ______________________________________________________________________  [___] poor

16. The charges to the candidate are given proficiently from memory and with feeling.

Comments: ____________________________________________________________   [___] very good  ______________________________________________________________________  [___] good ______________________________________________________________________  [___] poor

17. The Officers closed the lodge properly        [___] very good [___] good  [___] poor

Overall Evaluation of the Ritual Presentation

The work was done in a way as to make a meaningful and lasting positive impression upon the candidate.  The work was conducted in a manner that conveyed the deep spiritual meaning of the degree being conferred. 

Justification:  __________________________________________________________   [___] very good  ______________________________________________________________________  [___] good ______________________________________________________________________  [___] fair
______________________________________________________________________  [___] poor

 Overall Ritual Rating

[____] Excellent           At least 12 of the 16 items were rated very good (1 through 16), none poor            The Overall Evaluation of the Ritual Presentation (Above) must be rated very good.

[____] Very good        At least 10 of the 16 items were rated very good, none poor The Overall Evaluation of the Ritual Presentation (Above) must be rated very good.

[____] Good                At least 10 of the 16 items were rated good.  The Overall Evaluation of the Ritual Presentation (Above) must be rated good or better.

[____] Poor                 Less than 10 rated good with 1 or more rated poor or The Overall Evaluation of the Ritual Presentation (Above) rated Fair or below.

Floor Work

1.                  Floor work indicates that there have been rehearsals and officers worked well together?

Comments: ____________________________________________________________   [___] very good  ______________________________________________________________________  [___] good ______________________________________________________________________  [___] poor

2.      All floorwork is conducted in a dignified manner and has a positive effect on the presentation of the lessons taught in the degrees?

Comments: ____________________________________________________________   [___] very good  ______________________________________________________________________  [___] good ______________________________________________________________________  [___] poor

Floor Work Rating

[____] Excellent  (Both items rated very good)

[____] Good       (One item less than very good)

[____] Poor         (One item less than good)

                                                            District Deputy Grand Master

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_____________________________ Lodge, No. _________

Ritual on the night of the official visitation:

Exceeded standards [____]  Met standards [____]   Did not meet standards [____]

Comments: _____________________________________________________________   _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ 

Ritual for the year (Observations made during unofficial visits)

Exceeded goal [____]  Met goal [____]   Did not meet goal [____]

Comments: _____________________________________________________________   _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ 

Masonic Education

Exceeded goal [____]  Met goal [____]   Did not meet goal [____]

Comments: _____________________________________________________________   _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ 

Fellowship Activities and Membership Involvement

Exceeded goal [____]  Met goal [____]   Did not meet goal [____]

Comments: _____________________________________________________________   _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ 

Care and Share

Exceeded goal [____]  Met goal [____]   Did not meet goal [____]

Comments: _____________________________________________________________   _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ 

Maintenance of the Lodge Hall

Exceeded goal [____]  Met goal [____]   Did not meet goal [____]

Comments: _____________________________________________________________   _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ 

Committee Outreach:

Exceeded goal [____]  Met goal [____]   Did not meet goal [____]

Comments: _____________________________________________________________   _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ 




The Master agreed with my evaluation except as follows:







Master's Comments:















I have made further comments on attached sheet/s.  [____]Yes  [____]No

Dated: ______________________________________, 20__

Respectfully submitted,

District Deputy Grand Master
__________ Masonic District

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Last modified: March 22, 2014