The Masonic Trowel

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What is meant by "Worshipful"?

Mentor's Manual, Indiana Grand Lodge (1975)

"Worshipful. This word has no necessary religious or sacred implication but usually means only honorable, respectable, or venerable...."
   -Coil's Masonic Encyclopedia (1961)

"Worshipful. A term meaning honorable or respectable used as part of the title of the Master of a Blue Lodge or Grand Lodge."
   -Hunter's Masonic Dictionary, 2d ed.

"1. 'Worchyp,' old English for 'greatly respect.'"
   -The Master's Book, by Carl Claudy (1935; 1959 reprint)

"Why is the Master called Worshipful? Remember, we are talking about an Institution whose roots extend far into antiquity, and which comes to us from the Middle Ages. In medieval English, the term 'Worshipful' meant 'honorable' or 'respected.' To this day, a magistrate in the smallest English village is addressed not as Your Honor, but as Your Worship. Thus, Worshipful is a title of respect for the office of the Brother who presides over the Lodge, and who is, the Brethren believe, possessed of sufficient knowledge, wisdom and integrity to preside over them in the proper manner."

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Last modified: March 22, 2014