The Masonic Trowel

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A Lodge is an organization of seven or more Master Masons duly assembled, with the Holy Bible, Square and Compass, and a Charter or warrant empowering them to work, where they may confer the three degrees of Masonry and carry on such activities as are necessary to its proper administration.

Authority is conferred by a Charter issued by a Grand Lodge, in our case, it was issued to us by the United Grand Lodges of Germany.

A Lodge may retain its Charter only as it obeys the laws of the Grand Lodge and works according to the traditions and ancient usage’s and customs of the Masonic Fraternity.

A Lodge is governed by the Grand Lodge according to laws laid down in the Constitution or Code.  Local regulations and rules of its self-government are embodied in its by-laws.

Each Lodge in this jurisdiction has at least eleven officers, five of whom are chosen by ballot.  These are the Worshipful Master, Senior Warden, Junior Warden, Treasurer, and Secretary.  They are elected at the first stated communication in September of each year.  Prior to the installation, the Master-elect appoints the Senior Deacon, Junior Deacon, Chaplain, two Stewards, and Tiler.  Additional officers such as Marshall, Master of Ceremonies and Organist may also be appointed.  Each Lodge will have several Committees which are also named by the Master-elect.  The primary executive power of the Lodge is vested in the office of Worshipful Master.

The Senior Warden is the second ranking officer.  If the Worshipful Master is absent, the Senior Warden presides in -his place; if, through absence or inability, the office of Worshipful Master becomes vacant, the Senior Warden succeeds to all his prerogatives and duties until the regular election is held.  The Senior Warden has other duties which you will learn at another time.

Next in rank is the Junior Warden, who governs the Lodge in the absence or inability of the Worshipful Master and Senior Warden, and has charge of the Craft during refreshment.

In addition to its officers a Lodge has various standing and special committees.  A Lodge may also have a board of trustees.  The trustees are elected.

The meetings of the Lodge are called "Communications," and are of two kinds, Stated (or Regular), Special (or Called).  Stated Communications are held at regular intervals on dates set by the by-laws of the Lodge.  Called or Special Communications convene at the will and pleasure of the Worshipful Master.

In brief outline and to the extent to which you can now understand it, such is the machinery and form of organization of a Masonic Lodge.. It conveys only a hint of the rich life and manifold activities of a Lodge as a member knows them.

To be able to fully integrate yourself into our fraternity, you must understand:

How the fraternity is organized

and finally each lodge officer and his duties.

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Last modified: March 22, 2014