The Masonic Trowel

... to spread the cement of brotherly love and affection, that cement which unites us into one sacred band or society of brothers, among whom no contention should ever exist, but that noble emulation of who can best work or best agree ...

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To the question "Are you a Mason?"

by Matthew Magill
The Masonic Review - 1853

I am one of a band,
Who will faithfully stand,
In the bonds of affection and love;
I have knocked at a door,
Once wretched and poor,
And there for admission I stood.

By the help of a friend,
Who assistance did lend,
I succeeded an entrance to gain;
Was received in the West,
By command from the East,
But not without feeling some pain.

Here my conscience was taught,
By a moral quite fraught
With sentiments holy and true;
Then onward I traveled,
To have it unraveled,
What Hiram intended to do

Very soon to the East,
I made known my request
And "light" by command did attend.
When lol I perceived,
In due form revealed
A Master, and Brother, and Friend.

Thus far have I stated,
And simply related,
What happen'd when I was made free
But I've "passed" since then.,
And was "raised" up again
To a sublime and ancient degree.

Thence onward I marched
That I might be "Arched,"
And find out the treasures long lost;
I beheld a bright flame,
 From the midst of which came
A voice, which my ears did accost.

Through the "Veils" I then went,
And succeeded at length
The"Sanctum Sanctorum" to find;
By the "Signet," I gained,
And quickly obtained,
Employment which suited my mind.

In the depths then I wrought,
And most carefully sought
For treasures so long hidden there;
And by labor and' toil,
I discovered "rich spoil"
Which are kept by the Craft with care.

Having thus far arrived,
I further contrived
Among valiant knights to appear;
And as pilgrim and knight,
I stood ready to fight,
Nor Saracen foe would I fear.

For the "widow" distressed,.
There's a chord in my breast,
For the helpless and orphan I feel;
And my sword I could draw,
To maintain the pure law,
Which the duty of Tempters reveal.

Thus have I revealed,
(Yet wisely concealed)
What the free and accepted well know,
I am one of a band
Who will faithfully stand
As a Brother, wherever I go.

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Last modified: March 22, 2014