The Masonic Trowel

... to spread the cement of brotherly love and affection, that cement which unites us into one sacred band or society of brothers, among whom no contention should ever exist, but that noble emulation of who can best work or best agree ...

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From The Grand Lodge Of Texas

Within the Master Mason's degree is contained the charge that "The ancient landmarks of the order, entrusted to your care, you are to carefully preserve," along with no infringement, or deviation from the ancient usage and customs. When raising a new Brother and giving this charge, we are referred to these "landmarks," which govern our responsibilities to the Craft, our Ritual, and our God. In early times, landmarks were stones placed to mark property lines, roads, and places of importance. Their removal or change was considered to be most serious, and carried great penalty if done unlawfully.

Within the Fraternity, one of our great landmarks is commitment to have equality among the Brothers. The symbol used to remind us is the Level and it is found as the jewel of the Senior Warden. This officer is charged to watch over the Craft when it is at labor and insure that harmony exists within the Lodge. When installed he is instructed that we come from the same stock, live in the same world, and are Brothers. Each of us is deserving of regard and respect, for when death, the Grand Leveler, comes, all of us are the same. Thus, we see the Senior Warden's duty is to insure a state of equality exists within the Lodge when it is at labor. The Brothers are to be treated with mutual respect and trust at all times, but more especially when assembled in the Lodge room.

Admittedly the Master and Wardens are extended preferment as officers, but they, too, are Brothers of equal status on our Lodge Trestle-Board. The many references to the Level teach us we are all traveling upon the same "level of time" and with the same destination. Regardless of status, wealth, or titles outside the Lodge, within the Lodge we are bound together by equality and mutual respect for the dignity of one another.

In our closing, we always are reminded that we meet upon this level. Time and again, the message is the same as how we should meet as Masons. The ageless lesson of "doing unto others, as you wish done unto you" clearly expresses the level of respect and equality of conduct gained by being a Mason. Each of us is a creation of the Grand Architect of the Universe and His Way is what each of us seeks. Through the support of our Brothers as equals, we labor to improve our conduct, our understanding, and sense of brotherly love. So, when we hear "upon the level" or the "level of time," we should reflect upon both the tool and its inner meaning. The lessons of equality, rectitude of conduct, and brotherly love bind us all.

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Last modified: March 22, 2014