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lodge floor work

by V.W.Bro. D.G. Simmonds

I will try and give you the correct methods in which the Deacons-Stewards are to perambulate the Lodge rooms in both rites. The ways to carry the wands etc.

FIRSTLY - Lets deal with the carrying of the wands. Both Deacons and Stewards do the same.

I will call one position "ATTENTION" and the other "MARCH" "ATTENTION:" - Demonstrate: (Stand at attention position, heels together, body upright, with the wand in the right hand, close to the body, so the wand is also in an upright position) when to use:

After you have returned to your chair and you are waiting for instructions to be seated. When stopped at the Altar or when stopped anywhere on the floor. "MARCH:" - Demonstrate: (Usually step off with the left foot, bring the wand up in the right hand, close to the body and carry the wand at a 45 degree angle to the body) - When to use:

When walking around the Lodge, with or without candidates. Exception to the rule for Deacons. When escorting Official Guests into the Lodge room, you will then cross your wands above the head of the official guest.

"SALUTING:" - When carrying the wand around the Lodge Room, you never salute. When Stewards or Deacons are called up from their Chair by the Worshipful Master, they may salute before they pick up their wand but never afterwards.

"CARRYING:" - Always carry the wand in your right hand, however there is always an exception. If the Junior Deacon is assisting the Senior Deacon in escorting the Candidate around the Lodge, he may be on the right side and would therefore have to carry his wand in the left.

OPENING AND CLOSING OF THE LODGE: "YORK RITE" - Senior Deacon upon instruction from the Worshipful Master,. normally does not take his wand, but leaves his chair, walks West along the North side of the Lodge to a point just North of the Altar, South to the Altar, prepares the volume of Sacred Law or Holy Bible, lights the three lesser lights, salutes the Worshipful Master and returns the same route. Closing of the Lodge is the same, unless a distinguished visitor is requested to close the Holy Bible.

"CANADIAN RITE:" Senior Deacon upon instruction from the Worshipful Master, picks up his wand at March position, walks to the Worshipful Masters pedestal lights the first lesser light, then with the Immediate Past master who is on the inside, walks along the South side, then North along the West side to the Senior Warden's Pedestal, turns on second lesser light, then on the right of the I.P.M. to the Altar, then South to the Junior Warden's Pedestal, turn on third lesser light, then back to the Altar and stand just behind the I.P.M. and to his right.

When Volume of the Sacred Law is opened, turn to the North and walk to the North side of the Lodge room, turn right and return to your chair with the I.P.M. still walking on the inside. On arrival at your chair, drop wand to attention position and await the knock, then return your wand to the holder. The closing of the Lodge in the Canadian rite is a little different as it is a two part ceremony.

Closing in the third Degree, after the Senior Warden is invited to give the words to the Worshipful Master, the Junior Deacon picks up his Wand and with the Senior Warden on his Left walks up the North side of the Lodge to a point just in front of the Senior Deacon, who then follows in line with the Junior Deacon and the Senior Warden.

On arrival at the W.M., chair, all turn left towards the W.M., both Deacons taking one step forward, making an about turn, lift their wands and cross them over the top of the W.M. head. After the W.M. receives the salute from the S.W. and leaves for his chair, bring your wands back to the attention position, turn towards the South and walk in line to the South East corner, all, turn right and walk three abreast along the South side to the South West corners all turn right again and walk in line to the S.W. chairs where the S.W. drops off at his chair.

Deacons then turn right and walk straight to the Altar, stop for a second, both turn outwards, Junior Deacon, walking to the South side, turns right along the south side and back to his chair. Senior Deacon walks to the North side, turns right and along the North side to his chair. Returns wands to Your Stands.

The closing in the first degree, only involves the Senior Deacon and he will proceed upon instruction of the Worshipful Master, to the W.M. Pedestal, turn off the first lesser light and pick up the I.P.M. or Distinguished Visitor, to the S.E. corner, along the South side to the S.W. corner and then to the S. W. Pedestal, turn off the second lesser light, forward to the Altar, the back to the South side to the Junior Wardens Pedestals turn off the third lesser light and return to a point just behind and to the right of the person closing the volume of the sacred law. Stand at the attention position and do not stand at the sign of fidelity during the later part of the closing.


STEWARDS: - Upon instruction of the Worshipful Master that distinguished visitors are to be received, stand up, pick up your wands (both rites) turn left and walk to the West, turn right and in front of the S.W. turn right and come direct to the Altar. Wands should be at the March position.

At the altar stand at the attention position and wait for instructions. Upon receipt of instructions, turn right to the South side, along the South and depart from the Lodge room. Stewards will then wait for the Tyler to open the door and make the announcement. As soon as this is done, walk into the Lodge room wands at the March position, Senior Steward on the right and Junior on the left, enter the lodge room, turn left to a point in front of the Senior Warden, turn right, to the Altar, then turn outwards so the Junior Steward is on the North side and the Senior on the South.

After the Distinguished visitor has been received in the East, he will instruct the Stewards to return to their respective offices, now here is the only change. (Canadian rite) Junior Steward, walks forward along the North side, crosses in front of the Worshipful master to the South side and then along the South to his Chair, Senior Steward just goes to his chair.

(York Rite) Junior Steward, walks West to to North West corner, crosses over in front of the Senior Warden, along the South side to his chair, Senior Steward goes direct to his chair. In both rites, Stewards should stand at the attention position in front of their chairs until the introductions are over and return their wands to the holder only after the knock has been given.

DEACONS: (York rite) Upon instructions from the Worshipful Master to take up your position, the Senior Deacon, picks up his wand and at the March position, turns right, walks along the North side of the Lodge room to the N.W. corner, cross in front of the Senior Warden and take up your position on the right side.

Junior Deacon moves to his position on the left side, both standing at the attention position, until the official visitor enters the Lodge room, then cross your wands and go with the official visitor whichever way he decides to travel towards the Altar. At the Altar hold the cross. When the official visitor is called to the East, go with him, holding the cross, and when the official visitors begins his ascent to the East, drop the cross and stand at the attention position.

Upon receiving instructions to resume your stations, Deacons, cross over each other, Senior going directly North to his chair, and the Junior going to the South side, along the South to his chair. (Canadian rite) Upon instruction, Senior Deacon picks up wand at the March position, crosses over in front of the Worshipful Master, to the south East corner, along the South to his position on the right side. Junior Deacon stands on the left. Both stand at the attention position, until the arrival of the Official Visitor.

As in the York rite until you are told to resume your stations. Both Deacons turn left and cross over in front of the Worshipful Master, to the South, along the South to the South West corner, where the Junior Deacon drops off the Senior Deacon, continuing on across the West and along the North side back to his chair. Wands return to the attention position until the knock is received, then return to the holders.

BALLOTING: (CANADIAN RITE) Upon instructions from the Worshipful Master to prepare the Ballot. Senior Deacon will pick up his wand and the ballot box. At the March position, cross in front of the Worshipful Master, along the South side to the Junior Warden. Still facing West, stop in front of the Junior Warden and allow him to examine the ballot box.

Then continue along the South to the South west corner, turn right or North and stop in front of the Senior Warden still facing North and allow him to examine the ballot box. Then along the North side to the N.E. corner and to the Worshipful Master stopping in front of his pedestal, still facing South and allow him to examine. Step back a few paces and wait for the Worshipful Master to declare the ballot open.

Present the ballot box to the Worshipful Master, then to the Senior Warden, back to the Altar, across to the Junior Warden, then back to the Altar, via the South to the Senior Warden and directly to the Altar. Place the Ballot box on the Altar but not on the Volume of the Sacred Law. Place the ballot if possible just to the West of the sacred law.

Some Lodges may have a small shelf to place the ballot box on. Once the ballot box is in place step to the left and front of the Altar, face the west, so that you can see every brother approaching the ballot box, but cannot see the white balls or black cubes. When all have balloted, return to the Altar cast your ballot, and when instructed to present the ballot to the Wardens, proceed to the J.W., allow the examination, then to the S. W. allow the examination and then to the W.M. and allow the examination. Await instructions from the Worshipful Master to destroy the ballot.

Destroy the ballot in view of everyone present and return to chair. Some Lodges may have other small innovations, such as having the Junior Deacon, calling out each members name. Destroying the ballot in front of the Altar, etc.

(YORK RITE) After instructions received to prepare the ballot, Senior Deacon, picks up wand and ballot box, walks along the North side to the Worshipful Master and allows that examination.

Steps back for further instruction and when the Worshipful Master declares the ballot open, he presents it to the Worshipful Master, then proceeds along the North side to the Senior Warden, then to the Junior Warden and then directly North to the Altar. Places the ballot box on the Altar to the West of the Holy Bible, takes up his position to the left and front of the Altar as in the Canadian rite. Last to ballot. Takes ballot to the Junior Warden for examination, then to the Senior Warden and finally to the Worshipful Master for final examination. Upon instructions to destroy the ballot, do so and return to your chair.

MAIN DIFFERENCES: The main differences in the two rites.

(YORK RITE) move both ways along the North and South sides, cross over the Lodge between the Senior Warden and the Altar. Only exception to the rule is during perambulation when Degree are being conducted.

(CANADIAN RITE) moves around the Lodge in clockwise fashion, passing between the Worshipful Master and the Altar and the Senior Warden and the Altar.

APPROACHING THE ALTAR: (YORK RITE) If from sides usually directly along either side to the West and approach Altar from in front of the Senior Warden. Leave the Altar to either side and return to your chairs.

(CANADIAN RITE) Approach from in front of the Senior Warden. Members sitting on the North West side, must proceed along the North side to the East, cross the East, along the South to the South West and then in front of the Senior Warden, direct to the Altar.

Leaving go to the North, along the North to the East, cross over in front of the East, along the South side to the West, cross over the West to the North side and back to your chair. Must be kept in a clockwise order. I hope that I have been able to give you some tips or instruction on how the Deacons and the Stewards are to carry their wands and perform their duties while doing the floor work in their particular Lodges. I thank you.

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