The Masonic Trowel

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by Dr. Albert G. Mackey
Taken from the "Mystic Tie"

A reverend gentleman, residing in one of the towns of the State of - --, having connected himself with the masonic fraternity, the incident gave great offence to his ministerial brethren, and he was summoned before the ecclesiastical tribunal of the church of which he was a member, for trial. His judges convened at the appointed time and place; and on his confession of the offence, demanded of him that be should formally renounce Freemasonry. This he peremptorily refused to do. It was consequently determined that he should be excommunicated; and just as they were about to pass the sentence which was to cut him off from the church, a venerable minister arose, and suggested that the matter should be dismissed for the present, and one of the brethren be appointed to join the masonic fraternity, so as to be able, at the next meeting, to report the nature of the dark deeds in which the accused was supposed to have participated.

The suggestion was considered a good one, and the venerable proposer was himself appointed to make investigation. Accordingly, he laid his petition before a lodge, and in due time became a Master Mason, the brethren knowing nothing of the circumstances which led to his application to be admitted amongst them. At length the day to which the ecclesiastical tribunal had been adjourned arrived. The official functionaries met, and the new Mason was called upon for his report. It was made; but to their astonishment, perhaps to their disappointment, the substance of it was - "You had better dismiss the charge, for there is no evil, but much good, in Freemasonry."

The effect was astounding, and the consequence was an immediate adjournment. Freemasonry is a moral order, instituted by virtuous men, with the praiseworthy design of recalling to our remembrance the most sublime truths, in the midst of the most innocent and social pleasures, founded on liberality, brotherly love and charity.

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Last modified: March 22, 2014